
We change our world with language
It’s time for Australians to unite around the narrative-change which is happening in Denmark and around the world. A narrative where the phrase ‘The Green Transition’ is in the centre of everything.

We can all play a role in making that happen. 

The purpose of this open source website is to help change the narrative in Australia.

You can read more here about why we believe this change is very much needed.

Australia could use an equivalent to den grønne omstilling. Like Denmark, we need a phrase that encompasses both the urgency and the opportunity of what’s happening in the world – and importantly, what needs to happen in Australia.

Unlocking the green transition in Australia

This expression has given everyone a shared sense of direction that deeply permeates Danish life. It has become part of the collective mindset in the country. I’d heard this mentioned before, but here was some evidence to that saying that “people make their decisions based on a narrative”.

Imagine how you could contribute to the transition. What part can you play in your community, at work, or with your local representatives? Start talking with your peers and in public about what the global transition looks like for you. Contact your local media people, and discuss the topic with them – or simply send them an email with a link to this article.